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Who We Are

Who we are

Left to right: Grant Stuart, Gary Wilson, David Clark & William Kelly.

Left to right: Grant Stuart, Gary Wilson, David Clark & William Kelly.

David Clark

David grew up on a Town Supply Dairy Farm in South Auckland before moving to Canterbury in 1994. David and Jayne operate a family farming business at Valetta in Mid Canterbury running breeding ewes, fattening lambs and growing a wide range of arable crops. He has had nearly 20 years irrigation experience with pivot, lateral and rotary boom type machines.

Gary Wilson

Gary was born and raised in Mid Canterbury, graduated from Lincoln College with B.ComAg(VFM), before working as a Registered Valuer on the West Coast of the South Island for five years.

Gary and Rae have farmed in Hinds for 22 years growing a wide range of arable crops, fattening lambs plus dairy support as well as havinga share in a Dairy farm at Westerfield.

His interest in irrigation has evolved from experience in borderdykes, to laterals through to the latest pivot technology which now irrigates all his farms.

Grant Stuart

Grant studied Agricultural Science at Sydney University, he has also completed a MBA and is a fully qualified agronomist. 

For the past 14 years Grant has been running a pivot components business in Australia as well as an agronomic consulting company that specialises in pivot irrigation in the Middle East and North Africa.

William Kelly

Will is from a farming back ground near Deniliquin NSW. He studied Agricultural Science at Melbourne University and has worked in arable farming, livestock, hydroponics and irrigated pasture. 

Will has worked with Grant in Australia for over 10 years and also still has farming interests in NSW